Elaboration and validation of content on ocular physiotherapy for the curriculum of the undergraduate Physiotherapy course





Physiotherapy, Ophthalmology, Education


INTRODUCTION: Physiotherapy, one of the youngest areas of health, was born in Brazil and has continued to develop through the efforts of a category that, until 2004, comprised approximately 80,000 professionals. Ocular physiotherapy is very important in rehabilitation, as physiotherapists can work on ocular mobility, evaluate by measuring the ocular muscles involved and analyze possible pathological changes. OBJECTIVE: To elaborate and validate contents on ocular physiotherapy for matrices of graduation course in Physiotherapy. METHOD: The population of the present study consisted of 109 physiotherapists from different regions of Brazil. Participants were contacted via digital platforms online and then in a snowball format. The Informed Consent Form (TCLE) and a questionnaire-type instrument were sent to participate in the online validation. RESULTS: 66 participants answered the questionnaire. As for the validity of the contents proposed in the instrument, 100% (n=66) of them obtained a CVI greater than 80. In view of this, all participants (n=66) were evaluated by 100% of the specialists as indispensable. No new content was suggested by the specialists, since most of the comments were not related to the theme, but rather the construction of the syllabus for the Physiotherapy course, which was not the objective of the present study. CONCLUSION: This study elaborated and validated 16 main contents and two for evaluation and treatment for ocular physiotherapy in Physical Therapy graduation.


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How to Cite

Nascimento T de O, Vieira JSBC, Silva Júnior JR da. Elaboration and validation of content on ocular physiotherapy for the curriculum of the undergraduate Physiotherapy course. Intern J Educ H [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 14 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];7:e4759. Available from: https://journals.bahiana.edu.br/index.php/educacao/article/view/4759

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