Care of adolescents in basic health care during the Covid 19 pandemic


  • Emily Tavares de Melo Centro Universitário Uninorte (Rio Branco). Acre, Brasil.
  • Ikaro Victor Ferreira Souza Centro Universitário Uninorte (Rio Branco). Acre, Brasil.
  • Carolaine Freitas Amorim Centro Universitário Uninorte (Rio Branco). Acre, Brasil.
  • João Victor Lima de Oliveira Centro Universitário Uninorte (Rio Branco). Acre, Brasil.
  • Miriã Pontes de Albuquerque Centro Universitário Uninorte (Rio Branco). Acre, Brasil.
  • Ruth Silva lima da Costa Centro Universitário Uninorte (Rio Branco). Acre, Brasil.



Primary Health Care. , Adolescents. , Service. , COVID-19.


OBJECTIVE: To describe the health care provided to adolescents at a health unit in Acre during the COVID 19 pandemic. METHOD: Cross-sectional, an exploratory study carried out with adolescents seeking care at a health unit. RESULTS: Most were 16 years old (40%), single (90%), brown skin color (55%), family income of 1 minimum wage (63%), incomplete high school (55%). They did not have a paid job (88%), did not attend religion (60%), lived with their parents (75%); when they sought care, they were successful (100%). Among the reasons for seeking care, the medical consultation (35%) was highlighted, followed by exams (33%). They claimed that they did not have any pre-existing health problems (98%) and had not participated in an educational activity in the last 12 months (100%). They stated that they did not know the community health agent in their coverage area and that he did not regularly carry out home visits (100%). Most received guidance from health professionals during care (80%) and thought that the unit's actions aimed at adolescents were satisfactory (48.0). CONCLUSION: Overall, adolescents could access health services in their local region during the pandemic and were satisfied with the care.


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How to Cite

de Melo ET, Souza IVF, Amorim CF, de Oliveira JVL, de Albuquerque MP, da Costa RS lima. Care of adolescents in basic health care during the Covid 19 pandemic. Rev Enf Contemp [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 24 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];10(2):315-23. Available from:

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