Strategies to prevent risk-generating conditions related to drug administration: a scope review




Nursing Care, Patient Safety, Administration, Intravenous, Intensive Care Units


OBJECTIVE: To map safety strategies in the literature to prevent risk-generating conditions related to intravenous drug administration in critically ill patients. METHODS AND MATERIALS: This is a scoping review, following the methodology of the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI), of studies published between 2012 and 2021, without language limitations or study design, with a search in the online databases SciELO, Medline/PubMed, LILACS, BVS and BDENF. RESULTS: 261 records were found, of which 11 were included in this review, identifying 8 strategies for preventing risk-generating conditions during intravenous drug administration. CONCLUSION: Possible strategies to be implemented in practice were listed, enabling the mitigation of errors in intravenous drug administration and increasing safety in infusion therapy in intensive units.


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Literature Reviews: Systematic or Integrative (only)

How to Cite

Camerini FG, Silva TGP da, Henrique D de M, , Costa BD dos S, Fassarella CS. Strategies to prevent risk-generating conditions related to drug administration: a scope review. Rev Enf Contemp [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 6 [cited 2024 Oct. 20];11:e4592. Available from: