Duration time and reasons for removal of peripheral venous catheter in a neonatal unit





Hospitalized Child, Peripheral Venous Catheterization, Intensive Care Unit , Neonatal Nursing


INTRODUCTION: To identify the mean length of stay of the peripheral venous catheter, describe the reasons for removing the peripheral venous catheter in newborns using a peripheral venous catheter admitted to a neonatal unit. METHOD: Quantitative research with newborns who were hospitalized in a Neonatal Unit between December 2021 and May 2022. Data were obtained from electronic medical records and the daily classification form of peripheral intravenous devices filled out in the neonatal unit, subsequently organized into spreadsheets for descriptive analysis. RESULTS: The average weight of newborns was 2312.68 grams, the main reasons for hospitalization were respiratory distress and prematurity. There were 132 punctures analyzed, the most frequent catheter permanence time was one day with 40.9%, it was also observed that 9.8% did not last 24 hours. Continuous infusion is used in 50.8% of cases, with infiltration and extravasation being the main reasons for withdrawal, while obstruction is predominant in intermittent therapies. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: Catheters have low permanence in neonates and are removed due to the end of treatment or complications. Identifying risks allows us to develop protective barriers in peripheral intravenous therapy and contribute to the practice of daily care.    


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Vilvert G, Martello NV, Schulz LF. Duration time and reasons for removal of peripheral venous catheter in a neonatal unit. Rev Enf Contemp [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 29 [cited 2024 Oct. 6];12:e5122. Available from: https://journals.bahiana.edu.br/index.php/enfermagem/article/view/5122

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