Six journals are available to the international scientific community through this webportal. Publications are disseminated free of charge in electronic format through the Open Journal Systems, about issues inherent to the health sciences. Articles in evidence-based healthcare, health education, neurosciences, nursing, physiotherapy and psychology are available for download, containing the latest advancements in academic research. All of our journals are Diamond Open Access, therefore no submission nor publication fees of any kind are charged. Learn more about our mission and values in our by-law, available in Brazilian Portuguese and English.

Updated Jan 02nd, 2024


  • Brain Imaging and Stimulation

    Brain Imaging and Stimulation (BIS) is published by BAHIANA - School of Medicine and Public Health and NAPeN Network (Núcleo de Assistência e Pesquisa em Neuromodulação). It is a Diamond Open Access journal with the mission to publish research on brain function and stimulation. The journal accepts original articles on empirical research; reviews; technological and methodological perspectives (new devices, and methods etc.); infographics; videos.

  • Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare

    The first Brazilian Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare is a DOAJ-indexed Diamond Open Access journal with the mission to foster evidence-based knowledge in the Biomedical and Life Sciences through the publication of rigorous research and concept articles. Therefore, it accepts and publishes original content focused on the critical scientific exploration of the healthcare field (specifically on the topics of publication bias, predictive values of research findings, inconsistencies in study designs and publications) and validation of clinical tools (accuracy of diagnostic / prognostic methods and efficacy / effectiveness / efficiency of therapies). Also, in order to prevent conflicts of interest, as policy, the Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare does not accept donations nor sponsorship from the industry. Further on our editorial policies here.

    But, why Evidence? - In the video below, editor-in-chief Luis Cláudio Correia weighs in on whether we would need (or not) another medical journal in a world that lacks less research, better research and research done for the right reasons (video also available in Portuguese).


  • Journal of Contemporary Nursing

    The Journal of Contemporary Nursing (JCN) is a online publication focused on the training of undergraduate and postgraduate researchers in the interfaces between nursing and the public health studies.

    It is a diamond open access, bilingual journal, which adopts the Creative Commons Attribution License. It offers immediate publication in case of acceptance of the paper after the ad hoc peer review (Double Blind Rewiew).

    Its community of peer reviewers contribute to the development of the researcher, complementing their training in the classroom, in the laboratory and in extension activities. Our editorial policies.

  • International Journal of Education and Health

    The International Journal of Education and Health (IJEH) is a online publication, encompassing papers resulting from original scientific research on higher education development, health education (medical and in the frontier with other health professions and disciplines), with interdisciplinary approaches on education for fostering the health research scientific field. Our editorial policies.

  • Journal of Physiotherapy Research

    The Journal of Physiotherapy Research (JPR) encompasses papers resulting from original scientific research on physiotherapy and related fields. The mission of the JPR is to foster Physiotherapy both as a profession and as a science domain of evidence based research, promoting the accuracy of the kinetic functional diagnosis, cost-effective practices and innovation through the development of techniques, equipment, procedures and intervention protocols. Therefore, it serves clinical professionals, health service users and providers, members of the academe and regulatory bodies. Committed to ethics and scientific integrity, it extends the security and quality of its published information and strengthens open science policies.

    Since 2022, submissions accepted for publication by the scientific editors will be made available online as soon as they are copyedited and layout-edited (“Continuous Article Publishing” model). This process, for each accepted paper, takes up to four weeks. Publication of newly accepted submissions stops in December, when the publishing cycle restarts for the following year's volume.

    Read our our editorial policies here.

  • Revista Psicologia, Diversidade e Saúde

    The Revista Psicologia, Diversidade e Saúde (RPDS) encompasses manuscripts resulting from original research in Portuguese, English and Spanish, such as empirical researches and experience reports emphasizing qualitative methodologies. Thus, the mission of the RPDS is to foster the diversity of the psychology field, both theoretically and methodologically, as a science and as a profession, in its varied methods. The RPDS welcomes studies on the psychology interfaces with the health sciences and public policies, promoting scientific development under a commitment to social responsibility, human rights and diversity. Our editorial policies.