
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Author Guidelines

Prior to submission, all authors are required to access the Section Policies of this journal and the EQUATOR Network resources and adjust their paper accordingly.

The paper must be submitted in English or Portuguese and the authors are responsible for content, spelling, grammar and punctuation.

The Journal of Dentistry & Public Health is an Open Access journal published to serve the international scientific community by providing high quality scientifically accurate research reports, therefore it charges no submission nor publication fee of any kind.

Updated 06/08/2020

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Formatting: The text must be presented in size 12pt, with 1.5 of spacing in between the lines, in a single column, as to fit a standard A4 vertical sheet. Left and right margins should amount to 3 centimeters each and top and bottom margins to 2 centimeters each. Any direct quotation adding up to more than 3 lines must be presented in font sized 10 pt with single spacing between the lines. Please, avoid footnotes whenever possible and employ the metric system.

  • Tables, figures, charts, graphs, datasets etc: Questionnaire forms, interviews, tables, figures, graphs, charts and datasets must be submitted separately as supplementary files with the proper identification and numbering. Additionally, tables, figures, charts and graphs must also be placed in the manuscript in their proper places.

  • Author identification: Any information that could allow the reviewers to identify the authors or their affiliation must be removed from all submission files before the upload into the Open Journals System. Click here to learn how to remove hidden data and personal information from your Microsoft Word files.

  • File extensions: Text files must have a .doc extension. Tables may have a .xls or .doc extension. Datasets must have a .xls extension. Figures and graphs must have a .jpg, .png or .tiff extension with 300dpi of resolution. No file may exceed 4Mb of size.

  • Title, abstract and keywords: Providing title, abstract and keywords in the manuscript text file and in the appropriate form fields whenever requested by the submission system is a requirement for it to be considered for peer review. The title must be objective and accurate, set in capitulars, ranging from 5 to 15 words. The keywords, ranging from 3 to 5, must come from the controlled vocabulary available in the Medical Subject Headings / MeSH database. The abstracts must be structured, with at least 200 words long and no more than 250 words long, to include the following labeled sections: introduction, objectives, methods and materials, results and conclusion.

  • Authorship: Up to six authors can be listed in a single report, except when it comes to reporting the research activities of cooperating research centers, laboratories and institutions.

    Providing the following metadata in the appropriate form fields when requested by the submission system is a requirement for the paper to be considered for peer review: authors and corresponding author with full name, affiliation with departament and faculty, city, state, country and email. E.g.: Jennifer Smith. Deparment of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Federal University of Bahia. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. (ORCID XXXX-0000-XX00-X1X5).

    The contribution of each author must be listed in a separated text file which must be then submitted as supplementary file, e.g.: Smith KFA and Smith DB designed the experiments. Smith JLW wrote the AlignQC software. Smith JLW and Smith YW analyzed the data. Smith MC and Smith PP prepared samples for sequencing and performed all ONT sequencing. Smith VS cultured the H1 cell line. Smith XW contributed with critical intellectual content. Smith KFA, Smith MC, Smith YW, and Smith JLW wrote the manuscript.

    We comply with the ICMJE criteria for defining authorship, so please refer to it should you have any doubt regarding the role of the authors in your submission.

  • Conflict of interests: all authors are required to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships that could inappropriately influence, or be perceived to influence, their work. Authors are required to declare any conflict of interest at the time of manuscript submission in the appropriate field in the system form.

  • Acknowledgements: They should be brief and objective to people or institutions such as funding and fostering agencies and organizations that may have significantly contributed to the study reported. Funding and fostering agencies and organizations must always be mentioned.

  • References: The bibliography must be cited according to the Vancouver Style. Up to 25 references can be cited in original articles, 15 in case reports and 50 in literature reviews. The Digital Object Identifiers (doi®) of a published work must be included in the reference whenever the published work have had a doi® assigned to it.

  • Research Ethics: Any research on, related to, or involving human subjects should state that the they had been approved by the ethics committee of the institution where the research was conducted in compliance with the international requirements, standards and procedures, such as stated in the Declaration of Helsinki. The research registration number in the Plataforma Brasil / Brazilian Ministry of Health (Brazilian National System of Research Ethics) database or in the similar international research ethics database must be included in the paper. No form of participant identification, such as disclosure of initials, full name and registration number, is permitted. The informed consent form, the local ethics on research committee authorization number and, whenever applicable, the authorization for use of image and voice for scientific purposes signed by the participant allowing their medical conditions and clinical records to be made public for the purpose of scientific research reporting must be provided by authors as supplementary files. Any studies on, related to or involving other vertebrates must have had been conducted in compliance with international ethical recommendations for experimentation on animals. They must have had been approved by the proper research committee, and the documentation of that process must be sent as an additional file as well. All registration of clinical trials must be in a public trials registry at or before the time of first participant enrollment. The trial registration number must be provided in the manuscript and at the end of the abstract. The WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) or the may be employed for registration. More information about clinical trials registration here. Click here for further information on Research Integrity.

  • Reproduction of copyrighted material: The first mention of a trademark must include the name of the manufacturer and the country of origin. When reproducing any copyrighted material, the authors must provide the authorization by the respective copyright owners, including but not limited to charts, figures and graphs.

  • Overlapping publications: They are discouraged, except in the situations mentioned by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors - ICMJE. If the prerequisites for second publication described by the ICMJE are met, the authors must upload the permission granted by the first publication rights owner as an additional document. The first publication must be cited in a footnote.

    Uploading papers to preprint servers for peer review is encouraged and it will not be considered as overlapping publication. For more information, please refer to our Open Access Policy.

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The names, addresses and any other types of personal data inserted into this journal's database will be used solely for the editorial services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes nor to third parties.