Evaluation of dynamic range scanning imaging - influence of spatial resolution and the type of image capture


  • Viviane Almeida Sarmento Universidade Federal da Bahia e Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana
  • Cristina Bacellar de Pinho Universidade Federal da Bahia




Digital image, Dynamic range, Spatial resolution


The appearance of a digital image is very important for a correct interpretation and, consequently, for a effective diagnosis. Purpose: There are many factors that may influence the quality of a digital image. The process of digitalization must be analyzed to make sure that possible negative interferences will be eliminated. Methods: Some of these interferences include image spatial resolution and image capture mode. Their repercussion in the dynamic range of digital images was analyzed by the program Photoshop (Adobe Systems Incorporated, Mountain View, California, USA). Results: The results showed that for a digitalized image, a spatial resolution much superior it is not required. Conclusion: For the digital images, the signal/noise ratio (SNR) cannot be neglected.


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Author Biographies

  • Viviane Almeida Sarmento, Universidade Federal da Bahia e Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana
    Radiologista (UFBA); Mestre em Odontologia –
    área de concentração em Clínica Odontológica
    (UFBA); Doutora em Odontologia (Concentração
    em Estomatologia Clínica, PUCRS); Profa. Adjunta
    da UFBA e da UEFS
  • Cristina Bacellar de Pinho, Universidade Federal da Bahia
    Aluna do curso de Especialização em Ortodontia e
    Ortopedia Facial da FOUFBA; ex-bolsista do
    Programa Especial de Treinamento (PET).





Original Articles

How to Cite

Evaluation of dynamic range scanning imaging - influence of spatial resolution and the type of image capture. (2018). Journal of Dentistry & Public Health (inactive Archive Only), 1(1). https://doi.org/10.17267/2596-3368dentistry.v1i1.1

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