The relationship between academic life and family life of the medicine student: A cross-sectional analysis




Education., Family. , Medicine. , Quality of Life. , Validation Study.


INTRODUCTION: Given the characteristics of the medical course, we seek to understand the quality of life of the student, aiming to understand the physical, emotional, and subjective well-being of these individuals. Within this context is the family, which is an important domain of social organizations, subject to generating changes and being modified in the context of reconciling academic and family life. OBJECTIVES: To develop and gather evidence of the validity of scales to measure the interfaces between academic and family life of students and describe the perception about the interfaces established between them. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Adaptation of existing and validated scales on a positive interface and work-family conflict was carried out to build scales for evaluating students' academic and family life in the health area. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyzes were carried out, as well as elements to verify internal reliability. The results of the scales were described using means and standard deviation. RESULTS: In the Family-Studies Conflict Scale, the correlation matrix obtained showed KMO = 0.809, and Bartlett's sphericity test was significant. The "Family-Study Conflict" factor showed a Cronbach's alpha of 0.78. The "Family-Study Conflict" factor, on the other hand, had an alpha of 0.85. Regarding the Positive Family-Family Interface Scale, the correlation matrix obtained showed KMO = 0.861, and Bartlett's sphericity test was significant. The factor "Positive Family-Study Interface" showed an alpha of 0.90. The factor "Positive Interface Studies-Family" showed an alpha of 0.85. The instrument was applied to a sample of 539 medical students who perceived a greater conflict in academic life in the family. CONCLUSION: The adaptation of scales to validate instruments was able to assess the positive and negative relationships between family studies. The conflict motivated by academic life in family life represents the phenomenon most perceived by medical students.


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How to Cite

Reis SB, Aguiar CVN. The relationship between academic life and family life of the medicine student: A cross-sectional analysis. Intern J Educ H [Internet]. 2021 Oct. 11 [cited 2024 Oct. 24];5(1):92-110. Available from:

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