Debriefing analysis in realistic simulation in a health institution of medical teaching




Education, Medicine, Simulation, Feedback


INTRODUCTION: Realistic simulation is an active teaching-learning method incorporated in universities. After the experience, it can be discussed through Debriefing, valued by the Experience Scale with Debriefing (EED), divided into four subscales that total twenty commands, answered under two dimensions: analysis of experience and importance. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to compare students' perceptions about the experience and importance of Debriefing. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Observational, cross-sectional, analytical and quantitative study. Target population: Medical students present in the simulation “Cough with an area of interest in Asthma”. The Paired T Test was used to analyze the association between the variables. Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was used to determine the internal reliability of the scales. RESULTS: 84 questionnaires met the inclusion criteria. There was a difference statistically significant in the subscales “analyzing thoughts and feelings” and “learning and making connections”, even as in the items “the facilitator reinforced aspects of the health care team's behavior”, “unsettled feelings from the simulation were resolved by debriefing”, “my questions from the simulation were answered by debriefing”, “I became more aware of myself during the debriefing session”, “debriefing helped me to make connections between theory and real-life situations and “the facilitator taught the right amount during the debriefing session”. The overall internal reliability of the scale was 0.89. CONCLUSION: Through the comparison between the perceptions about the experience and the importance, aspects of the simulation that can be improved in the curricular component are evidenced, allowing the optimization of the activity and its implementation in other classes.



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How to Cite

de Oliveira JNF, Carneiro ACC, Sestelo M. Debriefing analysis in realistic simulation in a health institution of medical teaching. Intern J Educ H [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];6:e4390. Available from:

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