Virtual Seminar: an innovative educational experience




Education, Medical, Teaching, Learning


INTRODUCTION: it is of special importance that teachers can easily transmit knowledge, using didactical tools such as Cmaptools, Slideshare, YouTube, among others. Because of that, teaching methods nowadays are going through a revolution that implies technological development and the arrival of new generations. OBJECTIVE: describe the experience of developing a virtual education strategy in our institution to improve the teaching and learning process and facilitate interaction with students. METHODOLOGY: the students must do a bibliography search in databases (PubMed, Science Direct, and Embase) choosing one recent (published within the previous 3 months) original article in English. The article must involve the use of molecular techniques that include some sort of electrophoresis, then, get a tutoring session with the main teacher of the course, after that, the student must design a PowerPoint slideshow of a maximum of 15 slides. Finally, must record a 10-minute-long video of the presentation, the video must be uploaded to the YouTube website. RESULTS: a greater comprehension of the seminar presentation dynamic was observed in comparison to the previous methodology, which did not include the virtual component. CONCLUSIONS: the implementation of new innovative methodologies in education allows students to develop a broader learning process, besides improving their scientific understanding; they improve their knowledge on technological tools implemented in education.



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Experience Reports

How to Cite

Martinez-Sanchez LM, Cuartas-Agudelo YS, Hernandez-Martinez A, Herrera-Almanza L, Saavedra-Valencia M. Virtual Seminar: an innovative educational experience . Intern J Educ H [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 31 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];6:e3964. Available from:

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