Paternal participation in the neonatal intensive care unit according to the conception of nursing team


  • Gustavo Assis Afonso UniFOA - Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda
  • Nycolas Ferreira Xavier Francisco UniFOA - Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda
  • Rosane Belo Carvalho de Castro UniFOA - Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda



Neonatal ICU. Nursing Team. Father.


OBJECTIVE: to identify the view adopted by the nursing team regarding the father's participation in the neonatal intensive care unit. METHOD: An exploratory approach of qualitative nature, through an open questionnaire, and eventually, submitted to Bardim's content analysis. RESULTS: the analysis of the survey led to the construction of 3 categories: A discrepancy in recognizing the singularity of the father in the father-mother-child trinomial; the reception and insertion of the father in the context of NICU care with the newborn; creation of family bond and assistance in the clinical development of the NB. CONCLUSION: Nursing recognizes the father figure as a provider of benefits to the NB and implements practices that promote their embracement and closeness with the child. However, the team still has a lagged view on the true role of fatherhood in the family context, contributing to the creation of a social stigma of men as an adjunct.


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Author Biographies

  • Gustavo Assis Afonso, UniFOA - Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda
    Discente em Enfermagem.
  • Nycolas Ferreira Xavier Francisco, UniFOA - Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda
    Discente em Enfermagem.
  • Rosane Belo Carvalho de Castro, UniFOA - Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda

    Enfermeira. Mestre em Enfermagem. Docente do Curso de Enfermagem do Centro





Original Articles

How to Cite

Afonso GA, Xavier Francisco NF, Carvalho de Castro RB. Paternal participation in the neonatal intensive care unit according to the conception of nursing team. Rev Enf Contemp [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 18 [cited 2024 Sep. 27];10(2):225-32. Available from:

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