Nursing professionals' adherence to the blood stream infection prevention bundle




Central Venous Catheters, Catheter-Related Infections, Nursing Care


OBJECTIVE:  To evaluate the knowledge and behavior of nursing professionals in relation to the bundle of the prevention of primary bloodstream infection related to the central venous catheter (CVC). MATERIAL AND METHODS: This is a quantitative and transversal research, with a descriptive approach, carried out with nursing professionals working in the intensive care unit from a hospital in the State of Bahia. Data were collected using the instrument “Knowledge and self-reported behavior about the CVC bundle”.  RESULTS: 77 professionals, 53 nursing technicians and 24 nurses were included.  The professionals indicated hand hygiene measures, connectors and dressings as important actions to prevent infection; 75.3% utilize complete attire when inserting the catheter; 63.6% possess knowledge regarding the bundle, being moderate (51.9%) and good (35.1%). Continued education was marked as a factor that facilitates the implementation of the bundle, while lack of knowledge is a factor that hinders the process. CONCLUSION: The professionals are aware of the reasons attributed to the occurrence of CVC infection, as well as prevention actions. Knowledge about the bundle was obtained during training at the hospital where the team works.


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How to Cite

Lima KMS, Souza CS, Rocha HM do N, Santos IRA dos. Nursing professionals’ adherence to the blood stream infection prevention bundle. Rev Enf Contemp [Internet]. 2023 Feb. 23 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];12:e4757. Available from:

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