Experiences and feelings of nurses who work on the COVID-19 frontline: a documental study





COVID-19, Pandemics, Nursing Care, Emotions, Work-Life Balance


OBJECTIVE: To analyze reports of experiences and feelings of nurses working on the front line of COVID-19. METHOD: Descriptive documentary study with a qualitative approach. Secondary data extracted from 20 interviews published in the online media during the COVID-19 period were used. Data were processed using content analysis and categorized by themes. RESULTS: The first category, “experiences expressed by nurses working on the front line of COVID-19”, is presented in three subcategories: “facing challenges and changes in professional life”, “changing the routine in personal life” and “having to acquire new knowledge and training in the work process”. The second category, “feelings revealed by nurses working on the front line of COVID-19”, was subdivided into two subcategories: “feelings related to the other” and “feelings related to oneself”. Regarding feelings for the other, the following were reported: concern, anguish, empathy and solidarity. As for feelings for himself, most of them were negative, such as fear, anguish, sadness, loneliness and impotence. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: Health professionals experienced several challenges related to changes in their professional and personal lives, such as work overload, need for training, isolation from the family, and even negative feelings such as fear, loneliness, anguish, anxiety, sadness, concern about becoming contaminated and contaminate the family.


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How to Cite

Palmeira CS, Albuquerque CBC, Rodrigues GRS, da Silva SMB. Experiences and feelings of nurses who work on the COVID-19 frontline: a documental study. Rev Enf Contemp [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 17 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];12:e4864. Available from: https://journals.bahiana.edu.br/index.php/enfermagem/article/view/4864

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