Health care provided to people with hearing impairment: reflections based on the patient's experience




Nursing Care, People with desabilities, Patient-centered Care, Hearing Loss, Health Education


OBJECTIVE: To discuss health care for people with hearing impairment, based on the patient's experience. METHOD: Descriptive study, case report type, with reflective analysis. The report was made by a deaf person, with a high level of education and a keen critical sense, in an academic seminar. In view of the richness of the content reported, she was invited to do so in writing, with a view to its publication, and thus contribute to advances in care. The narrative analysis was comprehensive, based on the theory of narrative structural analysis. RESULTS: The participant's experiences in the health services are marked by feelings of anguish and fear, and of non-compliance with the needs presented, resulting in dissatisfaction. The lack of preparation of professionals to communicate with deaf people hinders interactions and health education actions, which are essential for learning for self-care, leaving them vulnerable to risks and situations of illness, in addition to reinforcing social exclusion. CONCLUSION: Health professionals need to rethink care considering the specificities of people with disabilities, in order to provide inclusive health care capable of meeting the singularities of this group. To do this, they need to be trained. Undergraduate health courses also need to improve professional training by contemplating the characteristics of people with disabilities in the contents covered.


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How to Cite

Barbosa JAG. Health care provided to people with hearing impairment: reflections based on the patient’s experience. Rev Enf Contemp [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 26 [cited 2024 Sep. 1];13:e5592. Available from:

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