A limitation on the use of Integrated Proprioception Screening Scale: a feasibility cross-sectional survey study
Geriatric. Proprioception. Survey.Abstract
INTRODUCTION: Proprioception is essential during the movement implementation to update the feed forward commands resulting from the visual image and in planning and amendment of internally generated motor commands. Integrated proprioception screening scale (IPSS) assesses the proprioception in various different domains in people with Parkinson disease. OBJECTIVES: To determine the limitations of IPSS faced by Neuro-physiotherapists and geriatric volunteers in clinical settings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten Neuro-physiotherapists and thirty geriatric volunteers under each therapist were recruited for this feasibility cross-sectional survey study. Participants were selected according to the inclusion criteria. Questionnaires were designed and created for evaluating difficulties faced by therapists and geriatric volunteers in terms of time taken for the administration of the scale, level of understanding the scale and its sublevels, and physical exertion experienced by the both therapist and geriatric volunteers. IPSS was administered by the therapist. Universal Goniometer, measuring tape, and motion tracking device were used during the IPSS administration. After administration, Questionnaires were circulated and filled by Neuro-physiotherapists and geriatric volunteers. Shapiro-Wilk test was used for testing the normality, as data was less than 50. RESULTS: As the data follows not normal distribution, data was expressed in median and range. Skewness and Kurtosis were also measured. Variables were expressed in the form of pie charts. CONCLUSION: The study concluded that IPSS has several limitations as subjectively reported by the therapists and volunteers.Downloads
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Dangi P, Arumugam N, Midha D. A limitation on the use of Integrated Proprioception Screening Scale: a feasibility cross-sectional survey study. Rev Pesq Fisio [Internet]. 2021 May 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];11(2):320-7. Available from: https://journals.bahiana.edu.br/index.php/fisioterapia/article/view/3616