Performance of the intensivist physiotherapist during the Covid-19 pandemic: challenges and improvements in clinical practice




Physical Therapists, Intensive Care Units, COVID-19


INTRODUCTION: The disease caused by the New Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) generated a growing flow of infected patients who needed specialized care in intensive care, greatly impacting the Health System, directly impacting the experience of Intensive Care Physiotherapists fundamental professionals in this assistance. OBJECTIVE: To verify changes in the clinical practice of the intensive care physical therapist during the COVID-19 Pandemic and to identify challenges faced during the care of infected patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: That is an exploratory, transversal, and quantitative field research carried out from February to April 2021, with intensive care physical therapists from two public hospitals (one municipal and one state) in the city of Fortaleza. A calculation of the flow of physiotherapists working in these units was performed, estimating a sample of 71 professionals to compose the study. The Intensivist Physiotherapists who helped patients with COVID-19 and linked with the hospitals participated in the research. Physiotherapists in the role of residents, trainees, and preceptors present were excluded. For data collection, an online form made possible by the Google Forms platform was used, composed of objective questions related to the professional's data, their infection by COVID-19, presence of risk factors, changes in clinical practice during care, challenges faced, situations experienced and safety during critical patient care with COVID-19. Data were tabulated using the Software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 20.0. Descriptive statistics with absolute and relative frequencies were used. RESULTS: 59 intensive care physical therapists working on the front line against COVID-19 participated in the study; of these, 40.6% were infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Improvement in the management of mechanical ventilation (86.4%) and better integration with the multidisciplinary team (62.7%) were the main changes reported. Among the challenges faced during care, the completely new context (89.9%) and witnessing painful experiences of patients (76.3%) were the most striking. CONCLUSION: The Pandemic provided intensive care physical therapists with new challenges and changes in clinical practice, requiring updating, implementation of new practices, and greater interaction in a multidisciplinary team.


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How to Cite

de Oliveira Viana C, Nunes Pombo CM, Silva de Morais MC, Pinheiro Dantas MM, Cardinalle Correia Viana M. Performance of the intensivist physiotherapist during the Covid-19 pandemic: challenges and improvements in clinical practice. Rev Pesq Fisio [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];12:e4282. Available from:

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