Factors associated with the use of oxygen therapy and ventilatory support in premature newborns





Premature, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Ventilatory Support, Oxygen therapy


INTRODUCTION: Therapy with supplemental oxygen reduces hypoxia, reducing mortality among premature newborns (PTNB), however, excessive exposure to oxygen has the potential to reach and damage multiple organs of the neonate. OBJECTIVE: To determine the factors associated with the use of ventilatory support/oxygen therapy in PTNBs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Observational, longitudinal, prospective study of a quantitative nature, carried out from July 2019 to March 2020, in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of a public university hospital. PTNBs using oxygen therapy were observed from the period of admission to discharge, with gestational and birth data and oxygen therapy parameters being collected. RESULTS: 62 PTNBs were followed up with a mean gestational age (GA) of 30.5 weeks (±3.43) and a median birth weight (BW) of 1,390 grams (555 g - 3,115 g). The mean length of hospital stay of 35 days (3-176) and of oxygen therapy was 7.5 days (1-176). When relating the total number of days on oxygen therapy with the Apgar value at the 5th minute, there was no significant relationship (rho= -0.158; p=0.219), however, there was a relationship with GA at birth (rho= -0.725; p<0.001 ), use of antennal steroids (p=0.006) and exogenous surfactant (<0.001). There was also a relationship with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: The factors associated with time and use of oxygen therapy were GA, PN, use of antennal steroids and exogenous surfactant, and an association with BPD and ROP was also observed.


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How to Cite

Espíndola C de S, Andreazza MG, Zechim FC, Jurkevicz R, Takeda SYM, Sarquis ALF. Factors associated with the use of oxygen therapy and ventilatory support in premature newborns. Rev Pesq Fisio [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];12:e4471. Available from: https://journals.bahiana.edu.br/index.php/fisioterapia/article/view/4471

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