Clinical and demographic profile of newborns admitted to a neonatal unit




Newborn, Maternity, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit


OBJECTIVE: To characterize the clinical demographic profile of newborns from a Neonatal Unit in a public maternity hospital. METHODS: A descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study. The participants were mothers and newborns from a public maternity hospital in Santa Catarina, in 2019. Data were obtained from electronic medical records, organized in a spreadsheet, and analyzed using descriptive statistics. RESULTS: A total of 681 newborn records were analyzed, of which 182 were transferred to another institution and 31 died, thus being excluded, totaling 468 newborns and their mothers. Prevalence of mothers aged 20 to 34 years, 301 (64.3%), complete high school degree, 199 (42.5%), and 6 to 10 prenatal consultations, 241 (51.5%). Newborns were mostly male, 244 (52.1%), full-term, 258 (55.1%), and of appropriate weight, 243 (59.1%). The main reasons for hospitalization were prematurity, 200 (42.7%), respiratory distress, 135 (28.8%), and neonatal infection, 185 (39.5%). CONCLUSIONS: This study identified the profile of newborns in a neonatal unit and their mothers. Strengthening nurses' actions for maternal and child care during family planning, prenatal, delivery, and post-birth can contribute to maternal and infant morbidity and mortality reduction, which is a major public health problem.


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How to Cite

Gumboski J, Silva DI da, Henrique LUC, Schultz LF. Clinical and demographic profile of newborns admitted to a neonatal unit. Rev Enf Contemp [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 27 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];11:e4655. Available from:

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