Repercussions of social isolation in elderly people during the COVID-19 pandemic




Coronavirus infections, Aged, Social isolation


OBJECTIVE: To identify in the scientific literature the repercussions of social isolation in old people during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHOD: Integrative literature review developed from February to March 2021 in the databases Scielo, LILACS, MEDILNE, PubMed, CINAHL and Web Of Science. The filtering process followed the PRISMA model. Only primary studies that investigated the object in question were included. The results were categorized and analyzed according to Bardin's content analysis. RESULTS: From the analysis and synthesis of the included articles it was possible to outline four categories, i.e.: Negative impacts on mental health; Lifestyle changes; Economic crisis and challenges in seeking medical support. Social isolation generated negative psychosocial consequences in the old, with loneliness, anxiety and depression being the main repercussions. Other impacts were stress and insomnia, changes in lifestyle that caused sedentary behavior and dietary changes, concern for economic well-being, as well as the challenge of seeking medical support. CONCLUSION: Social isolation during the pandemic caused negative impacts on the mental health and quality of life of old people. It points out the need for studies that address these long-term repercussions, as well as coping strategies.


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Literature Reviews: Systematic or Integrative (only)

How to Cite

Sasaki R, Aguiar AC de SA, Martins LA. Repercussions of social isolation in elderly people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Rev Enf Contemp [Internet]. 2023 Feb. 10 [cited 2024 May 19];12:e4795. Available from:

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