Osteoarthritis among elderly: cross-sectional study of hospitalization between 2010 and 2022
Osteoarthritis, Elderly, Hospitalization, Observational StudyAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Osteoarthritis is a common joint disease and one of the main causes of years lived with disabilities as well as one of the reasons for visits to health services. In 2020, 8% of the world's population has lived with this disease; however, the demographic trend could cause the increase in OA prevalence in the next years. This study aimed to describe the hospitalization characteristics of older adults with osteoarthritis diagnosis in Mexico between 2010 and 2022. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study. Records of hospitalized older adults diagnosed with OA contained in the databases of the Ministry of Health were included. Variables available were those related to patients (sex, weight, height, place of residence, ethnicity, and public health insurance) and hospital care (admission service, cause of discharge, month of hospitalization, and hospital stay). Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was carried out using Infostat®. RESULTS: Sixteen thousand fifty-six hospitalized older adults’ data were analyzed. The frequency was higher in women (64%) than in men (36%). The median age was 69.67; 40.10% of the patients were overweight; 54.74% had medical care; 52.16% were hospital-admitted by external consultation; 93.21% of elderly patients were discharged by clinical improvement; and the median period of hospitalization was three days. The main OA in 78.16% of the cases was knee osteoarthritis. CONCLUSION: In Mexico, osteoarthritis is more common in early adulthood and has gender differences. Gaps in health care can jeopardize successful aging and exacerbate older adults' health problems.
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