Caregiver profile during the process of illness in children and adolescents with cancer




Oncology, Pediatrics, Companion, Caution


INTRODUCTION: Parental care for a child or adolescent under antineoplastic treatment exposes parents or guardians to greater responsibilities required by this. These changes affect family relationships, life personal, work and even in the relationship of parents and children. OBJECTIVES: To describe the profile and participation of the companion of children and adolescents with cancer in a support home. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative / qualitative approach of a descriptive type. Companions of both sexes, over the age of 18 (eighteen) years, were included in the study, and companions who demonstrated some cognitive, language and / or difficulty in understanding were excluded. Data collection was carried out through the use of a questionnaire with the companions from October 2019 to January 2020. RESULTS: The study sample consisted of 12 companions, 11 of whom were female, mean age 36.33 ±: 24.95 years, of whom 8 (67%) were single, reported being the parents of the children / adolescents, have other children and at least one of them lives with them, most of them 25% have more than 3 children, 17% have 2 children and 8% only 1 child. CONCLUSION: With the need to leave the job to take care of the child, most companions do not perform any type of occupation. As they live far from the care unit, the opportunity to stay in a support home facilitates access to treatment.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Bruno Bulcão, H. F., Matos de Alcântara, J., Matos Rebouças Mota, L., de Oliveira Barbosa, L., & Correia da Silva Ferraz, P. (2021). Caregiver profile during the process of illness in children and adolescents with cancer. Revista Psicologia, Diversidade E Saúde, 10(3), 370-380.

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