Narrative analysis and qualitative research in Psychology: why and how to do it




Qualitative Research, Narrative analysis, Psychology


INTRODUCTION: Qualitative methodologies have assumed greater relevance in the research in Psychology, identifying a great diversity of analysis methods. However, most studies use methods that have their roots in other areas. Narrative analysis, as a qualitative research method that emerged and is directly related to the area of ​​Psychology, tends to be less used. There is great variability in the way it is conceptualized and, in the procedures, adopted. OBJECTIVE: To clarify the theoretical background underlying narrative analysis in Psychology research and to present a reasoned proposal on how to carry out a narrative analysis. METHOD: The work stems from the review and critical analysis of research and literature. RESULTS: Narrative analysis is based on the principles of narrative psychology, implying that narrative analysis in psychological research is rooted in the social constructionist paradigm. The steps and procedures to be adopted to carry out narrative analysis in research in psychology are described in detail, as well as the validation strategies. CONCLUSION: The need to start privileging narrative analysis as a method of qualitative research in Psychology is growing, requiring researchers to adopt common procedures based on the principles of narrative Psychology.


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Review Studies

How to Cite

Conde, R., & Souto, T. (2023). Narrative analysis and qualitative research in Psychology: why and how to do it. Revista Psicologia, Diversidade E Saúde, 12, e4589.