
  • Naiane Araújo Patrício
  • Maíra Carvalho de Macêdo
  • Caroline Carneiro Landim Machado
  • Renata de Sousa Mota
  • Abrahão Fontes Baptista
  • Katia Nunes Sá Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública



HTLV-1, Pain, Posture, Physiotherapy


Introduction: The myelopathy associated with HTLV-1 (HAM/TSP) produces, among other problems, postural abnormalities and chronic pain that may affect quality of life and functional independency. Objective: To assess correlation between postural abnormalities and pain intensity in HAM/TSP individuals. Methods: A cross sectional study including probable and defined HAM/TSP according to the World Health Organization criteria. Participants were selected from the BAHIANA School of Medicine and Public Health Multidisciplinary Assistance and Research Individuals with HTLV Reference Center, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The free SAPO® software v. 0.67 and its protocol to measure selected angles and body alignment on sagittal view were employed. To assess pain the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) was applied. To test the correlation between variables the Spearman test was employed, with an alpha of 5% and 80% of power. Results: The sample was composed of 56 individuals. The majority of individuals (35; or 62,5%) has been using walking support. A weak correlation was observed between postural deviation of body angle and reactive behavior on work activities (p=0,05). Associations were found between body angle and lumbar pain (p=0,05) and knee pain with ankle deviation (p=0,02). Conclusion: Postural body deviation prevents difficulties to work and lumbar and knee pain were associated with deviations on body alignment and ankle angle.


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Biografia do Autor

  • Naiane Araújo Patrício
    Physiotherapist, Master's Degree in Health Technology in EBMSP, Substitute Professor of Anatomy at UFBA, Member of the CNPq Research Group "Dinâmica do Sistema Neuromuscoesquelético"
  • Maíra Carvalho de Macêdo
    Physiotherapist, Master’s Degree in Medicine and Human Health in EBMSP, PhD underway, Member of the CNPq Research Group "Dinâmica do Sistema Neuromuscoesquelético"
  • Caroline Carneiro Landim Machado
    Physioterapy Undergraduate at EBMSP, Scientific Iniciation Program Sponsored by PIBIC/FAPESB, Member of the CNPq Research Group "Dinâmica do Sistema Neuromuscoesquelético"
  • Renata de Sousa Mota
    Physiotherapist, Master's Degree  in Science of Human Motricity in UCB/RJ, PhD underway in EBMSP, Member of the CNPq Research Group "Dinâmica do Sistema Neuromuscoesquelético"
  • Abrahão Fontes Baptista
    Physiotherapist, PhD in Morphological Science in UFRJ, Associated Professor at UFBA; Member of the CNPq Research Group "Dinâmica do Sistema Neuromuscoesquelético"
  • Katia Nunes Sá, Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública
    Possui graduação em Fisioterapia pela Sociedade Universitária Augusto Motta (1990), Especialização em Docência do Ensino Superior (1993) e Doutorado em Medicina e Saúde Humana pela Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública (2008). Atualmente é professora adjunta e coordenadora da Pós-graduação, Pesquisa e Extensão (equivalente à pró-reitora) da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública mantida pela Fundação Bahiana para Desenvolvimento das Ciências. Tem experiência na área Básica e Clínica em Fisioterapia, especialmente como Professora e Orientadora de Pesquisas em nível de graduação, mestrado e doutorado na Área de Biomecânica Clínica, Epidemiologia da Dor e Avaliação, Desenvolvimento e Validação de Instrumentos e Tratamento de Disfunções Musculoesqueléticas.






Artigos Originais

Como Citar

Araújo Patrício N, Carvalho de Macêdo M, Carneiro Landim Machado C, de Sousa Mota R, Fontes Baptista A, Nunes Sá K. CORRELATION BETWEEN PAIN AND POSTURAL DEVIATION IN INDIVIDUALS WITH HTLV-1. Rev Pesq Fisio [Internet]. 14º de junho de 2016 [citado 3º de março de 2025];6(2). Disponível em:

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