Use of the respiratory physiotherapy technique selective insuflation to revert the Atelectasia in a newborn
Pulmonary atelectasis. Premature. Physical Therapy Modalities.Abstract
INTRODUCTION: Pulmonary atelectasis is common among neonatal intensive care patients, mainly due to the anatomy of the newborn and the clinical and pathological conditions that are being exposed. OBJECTIVE: Describing the effectiveness of the selective insufflation technique to reverse atelectasis in a single visit. CASE REPORT: Premature, who present pulmonary atelectasis in the upper right lobe,with a gestational age of 35 weeks, on the seventh day of invasive mechanical ventilation received daily respiratory therapy. CONCLUSION: The total reversal of atelectasis in one single visit was confirmed by means of a chest X-ray immediately before and after the maneuver. The patient was followed up until hospital discharge, with no subsequent atelectasis event, even after extubation.