Playing as a strategy in physiotherapy care of hospitalized children under the perception of the companion: a descriptive cross-cross study




Hospitalized Child, Physiotherapy, Pediatrics, Play and Playthings, Family


INTRODUCTION: To report the family and/or companion's point of view regarding the importance of using play as a resource in the physiotherapeutic treatment of hospitalized children. METHODS: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study. The study population consisted of caregivers of children admitted to the Pediatric Ward of the Hospital Geral Roberto Santos and undergoing physiotherapeutic follow-up. Secondary data were collected to confirm the start time of care with the Physiotherapy team and primary data through the application of a form from April to June 2022. The instrument was composed of blocks of sociodemographic questions, social activities of the child previously hospitalization, child's behavior during hospitalization. Furthermore, adherence/acceptance to treatment, emotional reaction and interest during and after intervention using play. RESULTS: A total of 37 companions were interviewed. Regarding the sociodemographic characteristics of the children, 64.9% were male and the most frequent age was between two and five years. In what characterizes the child's mood before the hospitalization before the intervention, 81.1% reported crying and 64.9% fear. Finally, 59.5% of the companions highlighted excellent adherence/acceptance, 75.7% mentioned improvement in mood, in addition to 83.8% classifying the child's interest and interaction as excellent. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: It was found, based on the perspective of the companions, that playing as a supporting tool of physiotherapeutic conducts in the pediatric ward is important in the treatment of hospitalized children, as it improves mood, acceptance, interaction/interest during and after the intervention, which makes care more comprehensive and humanized.


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How to Cite

Santos SBB, Andrade MC de B. Playing as a strategy in physiotherapy care of hospitalized children under the perception of the companion: a descriptive cross-cross study . Rev Pesq Fisio [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 21 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];13:e5127. Available from:

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