Impact of Aquatic Therapy in the NICU on diaphragmatic mobility assessed by ultrasound: clinical trial
Hydrotherapy, Aquatic Therapy, Ultrasonography, Diaphragm, NewbornAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Aquatic physiotherapy is a modality of hydrotherapy performed on newborn babies (NB) in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The effects on pain levels, behavior, and respiratory function are already known; however, little has been said about the effects on diaphragmatic function in the preterm newborn population. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of aquatic physiotherapy on diaphragmatic amplitude using diaphragmatic kinesiologic ultrasound (DKUS) in NBs admitted to a NICU, as well as the safety regarding the clinical stability of the NBs, behavioral state, pain, and respiratory distress. METHODS: Cross-sectional before-and-after clinical trial. The NBs participating in the study received a single intervention with aquatic physiotherapy for 10 minutes. An assessment was performed using the USCD before and after the session, and heart and respiratory rates, behavioral state, pain, and respiratory discomfort were recorded. RESULTS: Twenty-six NBs participated. There was a significant increase in diaphragmatic amplitude (p= 0.02) and peripheral oxygen saturation (p= 0.05); physiological parameters remained within normal limits, and the intervention did not cause behavioral disorganization, pain, or respiratory discomfort in NBs. CONCLUSION: Aquatic physiotherapy promoted an increase in diaphragmatic amplitude, suggesting that this technique can be used as a way to stimulate the contraction of the respiratory muscles in NB, in addition to being a safe technique, as it did not generate clinical instability, behavioral disorganization, pain, or respiratory discomfort to the participants.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Kely Cristina Liberato, Marimar Goretti Andreazza, Marciane Sanches de Assis, Ana Lucia Figueiredo Sarquis, Demetria Monteiro Kovelis, Evellin de Oliveira Gomes, Monica Nunes Lima, Vera Lúcia Israel
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