The illustrated developmental facet in the narrative of loss




Depression, Psychotherapy, Narrative, Metaphors, Strategies


In adult narrative cognitive psychotherapy, there is a situation of lost bond and emotional instability. The search for meanings for experiences has become one of the best ways to name and manage emotions such as loss. We start from the theory of self-knowledge and narrative multiplicity, introducing examples of literature and case stories of the self with/without significant others. Another objective was to identify assumptions and temporal and context nomenclatures, accentuating the relevance of reconstructed and alternative narratives. The methodology is a theoretical essay with constant comparisons, put in between emotional facets, actions, and images. In conclusion, it is facilitated the reversal of the dominant direction of cognitive-behavioral therapies through narrative and intuitive thinking, contrasted with paradigmatic thinking.


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How to Cite

Zamith-Cruz, J. (2022). The illustrated developmental facet in the narrative of loss. Revista Psicologia, Diversidade E Saúde, 11, e4363.

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