Challenges faced by psychologists in public policies: analysis of Regional Council's research reports




Psychology, Public Policy, Professional Practice


INTRODUCTION: Brazilian psychology has a historical background characterized by the integration of self-employment and private practice. However, the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 introduced public policies that significantly changed the professional scenario. In 2006, the Brazilian Conselho Federal de Psicologia – CFP (Federal Council of Psychology) established the Centro de Referência Técnica em Psicologia e Políticas Públicas – CREPOP (Center for Technical Reference in Psychology and Public Policies) with the purpose of investigating and enhancing work in this domain. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this article is to analyze the challenges faced by psychologists involved in public policy initiatives in the state of Bahia, Brazil. METHOD: The study commenced with a documentary research approach, examining 14 research reports that synthesized the outcomes of investigations conducted by CREPOP in the aforementioned state. The analysis was facilitated through the utilization of the MAXQDA® software. RESULTS: The results revealed several issues about: 1) the complexities of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration; 2) techniques and training; 3) management practices; 4) infrastructure and human resources; and 5) ethical considerations. CONCLUSION: It is evident that the organization, allocation of resources, and overall precariousness of public policies significantly influence professional practices within the field of psychology.


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How to Cite

Jacinto, P. M. dos S., & Rocha, R. V. de S. (2024). Challenges faced by psychologists in public policies: analysis of Regional Council’s research reports. Revista Psicologia, Diversidade E Saúde, 13, e5294.

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