Transdisciplinarity between psychology and public health, academic engagement in remote modality during the pandemic era
Transdisciplinarity, Academic engagement, Social behavior, COVID-19, Educational psychologyAbstract
OBJECTIVE: To compare academic engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic in students from two universities. METHODOLOGY: Quantitative, cross-sectional, correlational, analytical study, using the academic engagement scale. The sample was 650 undergraduate students in psychology, selected during the year 2021 in a non-random manner for convenience at two universities in Baja California, Mexico, one private and the other public (319 and 331 students respectively), the private school with experience previous in remote education, and the public school migrated to emergency remote education during the COVID-19 pandemic, data collection was carried out virtually through a questionnaire. RESULTS: University students with experience in remote education perceive on average a higher level of academic engagement than university students without experience in remote education. VALUE: The transdisciplinarity of researchers-academics in the areas of psychology and public health, provided evidence on the importance of psychological aspects (academic engagement) in new paradigms of educational pedagogy (remote education), in the midst of major medical-epidemiological problems (COVID 19 pandemic). CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that the level of academic engagement of the students is linked to previous experience in remote education.
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Copyright (c) 2023 José Félix Brito Ortíz, Martha Eugenia Nava Gómez, Arturo Juárez García, Estefania Brito Nava, Gustavo Alejandro Román Brito, Omar Esquivel Lagunas, Rubén Vargas Jiménez
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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