Late HIV diagnosis in third age: an analysis of news articles in media
HIV infection. Late diagnosis. Discrimination. Stereotypes. Prejudice. Social media.Abstract
This article shows exploratory qualitative research outcomes that analyze how social media touch upon the theme of the sexual relations among elderly people. It was utilized five news reports published on newspapers that talk about how social media works as an informative tool about HIV among elderly people. The reasons to elderly people are vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases, according to social media datas, can be the late diagnosis; prejudice, stereotypes and, social discrimination in relation to the sexual relations among elderly people, as a result of social representation that affirms there is not sexual practices in old age. As as result of this problem, it is necessary to work on public policies on issues of seropositivity in the old age, as well as interventions through the creation of campaigns, booklets and others approaches on the importance of condom use. The importance of the humanized approach of work of health professionals focused on older population, and a more refined look at the signs and symptoms of the HIV disease, so that treatment can be practiced in the early stages of infection.